Inappropriate Digital Use

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Inappropriate Digital Use

Jodi Hinegardner
I have seen being a Health Teacher and discussing cyberbullying a lot of students who will post items online that they would not say to the person's face. They hide behind the internet social media.  They bully by posting things or bing manipulative on social media or texting.  They use it in a negative way and it is an entirely different world than when I grew up.  I believe awareness and advocacy can help with this situation. I hope it is improving by making students aware and by those advocating or taking a stance.  These situations make me mad because they are using this great technology as a weapon to hurt others.  I know the students that have had this happen were very upset and it hurt them.  I truly believe taking a stance on this matter is key.  But I believe teaching appropriateness and responsibility also play a key part in especially using social media for the positives and not to hurt others.
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Re: Inappropriate Digital Use

Diana Repp
Yes, I see it all too often!  It's easier to say things to people when you can hide.  The anonymous forums are even worse.  It's almost always used for negative comments.  Why do students feel the need to be mean to others?  It causes drama and they are usually found out anyway since they can't stay quiet about it.