Inappropriate Technology Uses

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Inappropriate Technology Uses

Kevin Vickery
I teach in a school that has a one-on-one computer program where all students have a computer checked out to them.  These students have a great deal at risk when the students make poor choices with the inappropriate use of the technology.  If they lose the use of their computer, they have then lost the access they have to their textbooks and the delivery of their assignments.  

I have one student who has exceeded the number of infractions on the way in which she used her computer.  In a conference with her parents, the school and the student, it was determined that she would not have unsupervised use of her computer.  This means that if she needs to use her computer for my class she must check it out from the IT staff at the beginning of the period and then return it at the end of the block( 1h 30m).  

Inappropriate use of the computer would have a similar impact on the working world.  In most jobs, it is essential that you have use of technology even to clock in.  In the case of the young person above, the likelihood is that she would have lost an employment situation not had a way to modify the use of the technology.