Inappropriate Use...Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use...Digital Media

Heather Mauer
*As a responsible digital citizen/educator, I have a lot of practice at leading by example for my students. I have witnessed some friends, family and high school students post things they reqret or post inappropriate images that deal with drugs and violence. I have learned from other's mistakes so that I do not need to make those choices. I have witnessed how this can impact other's negatively. On the news, you hear about people losing their jobs over inappropriate posts and generally poor digital citizenship. This is something I try to impress upon my students as they grow into the changing and volatile digital world.
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Re: Inappropriate Use...Digital Media

Aaron Hamann
Look at what happened with the Iowa State fan that did such a positive thing to raise money for the Children's Hospital in Iowa City, and how quickly that selfless act got tarnished by an inappropriate 8-year-old post from when he was a teenager in school. I'd like to believe that his opinions have changed since then, but that digital footprint still exists somewhere.