Inappropriate Use Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use Digital Media

Eva Evers
Most recently, we've probably all heard about Carson King, his quest for beer money via Venmo, charitable contribution, promotion campaign and downfall of previous social media posts.  What started off more or less as a joke became a quite successful campaign for charitable contributions to Children's Hospital with nationwide viability and a promotion deal.  There was a definite high of positive emotions that was then caught in a dark shadow of previous inappropriate digital media use and not thinking about how words would be received later.  King did issue an apology for what he previously posted so obviously there was some regret on his part.  The whole thing could have potentially been avoided if his younger self had more instruction on how his digital citizenship would follow him into the future.  This situation is also a great example of the responses of others; some people were mad at him, others were mad at the people who dug up the past, some people dug in their heels with support and other didn't quite know where they fell on the subject.  Being the person at the receiving end of negative comments can be extremely detrimental to one's emotional well-being.  
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Re: Inappropriate Use Digital Media

Whitney Searcy-Slattery
I had not been aware of this later development but am familiar with the story. I'm a little bummed to hear how such an inspirational story had to turn sour. Hopefully it's a lesson learned for King and for everyone else who is following it. In this age what is said and done in the past follows us more closely then before as it's so much easier to access old comments/posts.