Inappropriate Use Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use Digital Media

The main one that comes to mind is when I was teaching at a different school district and they were just getting started on using school-sponsored emails with the students in middle school. They were not 1 to 1 at this district so they had to log in to community usage computers in the library. This means that you need to log out of everything before you get off the computers. However, one student did not and when I opened up Chrome and his email inbox popped up there were many emails from inappropriate sites where the student had used their school email to sign up and create an account. Of course, I had to report this to the counselor and had to have a talk with the student.

Something that could've been done to help with this is to just have the common sense talk with the students when they created their accounts and remind them that they are to only use these accounts for school-related purposes only. It is not a personal account and should not be used for personal reasons.