Inappropriate Use Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use Digital Media

Kevin Richardson
We have had a few students who sent inappropriate pictures on snapchat to one another and then of course those students took a screen shot of them and sent them to other students.  First the students sending the inappropriate picture could be in legal trouble with the local police and then the students that received the pictures could also in trouble.  Like was mentioned in the reading, there are so many issues that come from these incident that we don't even think about until it happens.  First by law, any person in possession of a nude picture of a miner is in violation of the law (this is not for just people over the age of 18; a 14 year old in possession of a nude picture of their 15 year old girlfriend or boyfriend can be arrested for it).  Students don't realize that these types of issues apply to them.  Not only there there the initial legal problem, but now these teens are looking at being put on the state sex offenders list for this.  What about the students that never asked or sent any pictures, but some were sent to them?  Should they really be in trouble because other students sent them a picture?  Snapchat is supposed to be a social media that you send and totally disappears in 10 seconds - well this is what kids think.  However if you receive a snapchat you can screen shot it and have it forever.  Students (and some adults) don't understand that everything they do is on a server someplace in the world with their picture, words, etc... on it - it is NEVER gone.