Inappropriate Use Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use Digital Media

David Henrichs
Social media is the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of inappropriate sue of digital media.  However, this is not as clear cut as one might think.  The main issue seems to be that a person's opinion of what is appropriate or acceptable may be different than the next person.  For example, someone may take offense to the attire worn by someone in a picture posted on social media, while the next person often wears the same thing in public.  Another example may be the choice of language.  Again, someone may take exception to the words used in the post, while other use it in their everyday language and see nothing wrong with it.  Another issue that often arises is the sharing of personal information.  It is one thing is a person posts information about them, but information about another person is often shared without their consent.

Regardless of how one individual may feel about a particular post, it is my opinion that two important items should be considered prior to making a social media post public.  First, a person should analyze a post and ask themselves the following questions.  1.  It is really sending the message that I want?  2.  Can my message be taken the wrong way?  3.  Will someone take offense to the post?  If so, why?  If the answer to any of these questions is not satisfactory, then the message should either be revised or simply not posted.

The other issue all people (especially young people or people with little social media experience) should remember is that once a message is posted, it is very difficult or even impossible to retract.