Inappropriate Use Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use Digital Media

Amy Moeller
There was an incredibly painful episode of an inappropriate use of digital media by a high school male in my town. It involved the recording of a compromising situation between himself and his  then-girlfriend. This was kept quiet until they broke up. He then sent this recording to all his contacts on his cell phone and this multiplied expotentially! The outcome was horrible......the girl's reputation was damaged forever and the young man was criminally prosecuted by our country attorney at the behest of the girl's father. This incident was daily fodder in the town newspaper as well as continual conversations with hs  and middle students. The young man's parents spent thousands on legal fees. He was not put put on an offender list of any kind and was put on probation. The incident froze my blood! One moment of losing your head due to not thinking about digital responsibilities wrecked the lives of a young man, a young girl and endless hurt for family and friends of these two unfortunate young people!