Inappropriate Use Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use Digital Media

Laura McDermott
Facebook comes to mind as the first social media I see used inappropriately, not by my students, but their parents. There have been a few issues at our school district that Facebook erupts with inappropriate comments by parents.
Unfortunately when ever we have a new technology there is a huge learning curve, mistakes are made, damage is done.
I teach my elementary students about digital tattoo, not digital footprint - a tattoo is much more permanent than a footprint.
I believe our school district could benefit by having a parent appropriate use of social media before their students begin a 1-1 initiative.
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Re: Inappropriate Use Digital Media

April Netley

I like the image of digital tattoo and will start using that as that is a much more realistic picture of what we leave behind.  Just as you hope you like your tattoo as you are going to live with it for life, so must you live with your digital posts.  There of course is the argument you can remove a tattoo surgically but it still involves, pain, scars, and money.