Inappropriate Use Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use Digital Media

Cheree Mann
If anyone has a Facebook account, he/she has experienced inappropriate use by "friends". The bottom line is extreme emotion regarding an issue or just use of expletives joking around. It is inappropriate use whether a person uses expletives in every day speech or not. It makes the viewer feel uncomfortable and at times violated. Personally, I delete the post from my Facebook and sometimes have to unfriend someone if it is habitual. At times there are memes that are inappropriate. I simply delete from my page. I don't feel I have a right to tell that person not to use profane language or not to post certain memes. That is their right, but I have the right to remove that person as a friend and that in itself is too bad.

Another example of inappropriate use are the ads on the side of an internet page. There are scantily clad females and again, I feel embarrassed and violated. I don't think there is anything I can do to remove those ads. I think it's sad that we have to view those ads and simply get used to it.