Inappropriate Use of Digital Medai

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Inappropriate Use of Digital Medai

Sue Daker
I recall using a chat function of google for back-chatting with a colleague during a meeting that was face-to-face. When something would happen during the meeting, my colleague (or I) would type a message and hit send. The next thing that happened in the meeting was a "ding" sound; one of us had not turned off the speaker on our computer and the ding indicated a message had arrived. Others in the meeting knew exactly what was going on and who in the meeting was engaged in that back-channel communication. That led to a conversation by the meeting facilitator about the correct use of technology during the meeting and how we all needed to be attending to the face-to-face conversation. It was also agreed that if there were comments or disagreements about what was being said, those comments needed to be made to the whole group. Oops!