Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

Heidi Nicholson
A few years, at a job I was no longer enjoying, I vented on my Facebook wall about how I was feeling in the job. I forgot in the heat of the moment while typing that I was Facebook friends while several people i worked with. During that time staff morale was very low and my coworkers looked up to me as a leader and role model. My post did not help anyone's morale or job performance and just fueled the downward spiral that we were all going on. I should have censored my post and not vented on my Facebook wall. It would have helped staff and morale not go any lower and I could have found other more private ways to vent my frustrations. In the moment Facebook seemed like the best way to share my feelings and feel better, but in the end it just caused more stress and drama for me personally and professionally.