Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

Lila Maher
A former student of mine was an avid Snapchat user.  She confided in me on day that she had sent a picture to a male friend and that he took a screenshot of the picture she sent.  She did not think much of it until a mutual friend of their mentioned the picture to her later that same day.  This concerned the girl as this meant that the male friend was sharing her picture either by sending it to other people or by just showing people from his gallery on his phone.  We talked about how this situation may suck for her right now, but that she can use this as a learning opportunity for the future.  She agreed that she should have thought harder about what might happen if she were to send this to someone that she does not 100% trust to not screenshot and/or share with others.  This also led into another conversation about peer pressure and the use of technology, and how she needs to ask herself "am I doing this for myself and to make myself better? Or am I doing this for someone else and their personal needs/wants?"