Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

Amanda Weeks
In my time as a teacher, I have seen students using digital media to bully others.  It made me feel helpless.
 At times I felt that I could have great classroom management and an inclusive environment, but I couldn't extend that beyond my classroom.  One example of inappropriate use I have directly experienced came from a former student.  As a first year science teacher, I would take my students outside for various ecology labs.  As I was trying to manage 30+ students performing water quality testing, a student found an empty beer can in the creek and took a picture making it seem as though he had drunk the beer during class with me in the background.  I was livid.  After reporting this to the administration, the picture was promptly taken down.  It made me wonder what other pictures, tweets, posts this student posts that would hinder their chances at college or a future job because it was funny in the moment.  I have found that prohibiting cell phones is a losing battle.  As my management evolved, so did my stance on phones.  It is important to teach students the importance of their digital footprint and model appropriate technology usage.