Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

Cindy Reher
Now that much time has passed this is kind of funny, but it sure wasn't at the time.

At the high school where I teach, we often had to "substitute" for another teacher for a single period. All of the teachers really got along well with one another and were trusting. This time, when I left my room and computer for a class period I left my computer on so attendance could be taken, etc. It was about a week before semester grades were due. I had a couple of students who were not passing, but very important to one of the athletic teams. The students hadn't put much effort into my class and weren't shocked at their status. The coach was worried about his star athletes. The teacher "substituting" in my class thought it would be funny to send the coach an e-mail about my perception of academics vs athletics.  The e-mail indicated I had written it. The coach was really upset with "my opinions". There was a trip to the principal's office for me and the coach. We did get to the truth and all was sort of OK.

I have never left my computer while I was logged on since. Lesson learned. We all remain friends.