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Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

5 posts
At my school we had a potentially major incident with inappropriate use of digital media.  We had a male student who was sending inappropriate pictures of himself to female students through texts.  It obviously made the females very upset, made them feel violated, and was reported.  The students who did the act was 14 and didn't have much of a clue as to how serious this was.  Students often seem to just have no idea about what can happen from what they do in the digital world.
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Re: Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

Amy Johnson
5 posts
When I was teaching 7th grade, we had a similar situation where boys were sending text messages with sendnudes tyed backwards to female students.  It became a large problem because the girls did not realize that the photos they were sending to the boys were then sent on to others. There is a lack of knowledge within students to realize that with digital means that anything you post/send is our there forever and for everyone to see.