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Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

Jen Panther
UGH, where do I even start with this one. Recently I have been called a "groomer", "self-righteous", "pedophile", just because I am able to use my experience and expertise in teaching and being a Teacher Librarian, to shoot down the comments regarding many of the books that are being requested to be removed from public school libraries. I have provided many data points, information and direct catalog numbers (they are all public records already, but I digress). I provide people with the AASL Bill of Rights and the data showing the importance of a solid school library program in reading support, but they do not care. If my view points don't agree with their opinions and views, they throw out the rhetoric that is always out there. They don't know me, my situation or even care. They resort to name calling and think that they win the conversation if I don't respond. I can't change their mind at that point, so why bother, to continue to be called names? Yeah, no thanks.
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Re: Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

Rena Farrell
I agree, when people don't agree, they resort to name calling because they think they can hide behind their computers. People like that aren't worth arguing with, you will never change their minds. I really don't know why people can't agree to disagree, everyone has the right to their own opinion.
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Re: Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

In reply to this post by Jen Panther
I use social media as an activist a good deal. and deal with lots of incredibly tasteless people. They have no norms, no sense of truth or honor. Or dignity.....  same attacks as you are referencing (I bet same opponent....)

Common digital issues.....Seems there is a new scam daily. You DO NOT KNOW if a social media friend has been hacked. I personally do a double verification. Fake friend requests constantly. I always ask a “personal” question, or they get cancelled