Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

We had several girls attacking another girl on Twitter.  The parents called me about it to see what could be done to stop it.  The girl under attack felt terrible about it and felt it was harassment, as did her parents.  The other girls, and one of the mothers, said it wasn't about the alleged victim.  I am their principal and was also wanting it to stop immediately.  It fell in that tricky space of it happening outside of school hours, but were effects still happening during the school day.  The comments were also vague enough to be interpreted in both ways, for and against the accuser.  I spoke with them and let them know that it couldn't continue or the school could have consequences for those making comments like that that impacted a student's learning environment at school.  It really shows the potentially harmful power of students hiding behind a computer and then ganging up on someone.