Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

J Atkins
I sub and the fighting between students on Facebook and other social media is horrible to see.  It makes me so glad that I was not raised in this media run world today.  There was a boy whose mother was one of my classmates.  He was bullied so badly he took his own life.  It is a tragedy!  SO SAD breaks my heart.  I have heard and seen others who end up taking their own life due to things said or done.
I tell the students, when they are upset or angry,  "If you can't say something nice.... say NOTHING!!!"  The words that are said, typed, texted.... pictures taken... can't be taken back. It can cause so many horrible consequences.  Education is the best way to tell the kids about this.  They are in the age of ... they can do no wrong and no consequences...  They feel invincible... It is a hard part of life to learn!