Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

Lisa Carstens
I was the recipient of an inappropriate email message.  This message was sent to me to look like normal email, and it had a look-alike email of someone that I knew.  When I opened up the email, it was of very disturbing pictures for suggestive pornography.  I was totally sickened.  I could not believe that something so crude could make it past my security.  What I did differently was to make sure that my security was tightened up, and decided that I would only allow my "friends list" to be presented into my INBOX.  My computer does ask me (in a notification EVERY time) "why" I only allow my friends to come through into my INBOX; which is very annoying because if I were somebody that was easily swayed, I might change my security!  In this manner I am able to look through my SPAM at my leisure, and make conscious decisions on what is SPAM and what is not SPAM.