Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

Cynthia Luzum
I'm not sure of all the details and what happened, but there was a high-school student I know that was being cyber-bullied.  Other students were posting negative things and being rude.  Students started to be rude to her in school as well after reading these posts.  The student started to feel terrible and no longer wanted to go to school.  She ended up staying home and her mom ended up pulling her out of school.  They registered her at a neighboring district in hope that she could start fresh.  She was able to and finished out her high-school experience in a much better place.  I'm not sure what, if anything, happened to the students who started the bullying.  It was sad to hear about this happening to someone I knew.  I'm glad she was able to start over elsewhere and have a good rest of high-school experience, but it goes to show how bad cyber-bullying can be.