Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

Paula Vander Beek
As a high school counselor, I have had to work with students who use digital media inappropriately. In more specific terms, bullying and harassment has been an issue on both text messages and Facebook posts. My personal feeling on this topic is that digital media makes it very easy to "trash talk!" Rather than seeking out a person, face-to-face, if here is an issue, it is easier - and tempting during anger - to post or text something hurtful. When working with students, I try to turn the comment around. What if someone said (what you said in a text) to your sister, niece, best friend ... would you feel differently? Would you be angry? I ask students to measure what they text or post before they do it .... if this was directed to someone I care about, would I send this? If the answer if no, then it is a no go.