Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

Melanie H.
I honestly do not have one example of anything that was inappropriate that was sent to me.  I do have a couple of examples of Facebook posts that one of my former students had posted on Facebook of someone they know smoking pot and it was allowed to be posted.  Why was that not filtered out?  It made me uncomfortable so I confronted the student and she took it down.  Another issue I have right now is with a group on snapchat that kids are doing and it is kept a secret.  It is designed only for "secretive" and "under wraps" kind of behavior.  She does not personally post to it, (and knows better not to) but she has friends that do.  This is a discussion in my house often, as she is a nursing student and is fully aware that these posts that kids are making can come back to haunt them later as they enter adult life and finding careers.  She had a conversation recently with a friend that is going to college to be a teacher and warned her about her social media posts.  It has made her friend way more aware.