Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

Courtney Hogan
We have had instances of inappropriate use of digital media that often starts outside of school. For instance, a student posted a video in which they were bullying another student. The video was shared on Instagram and spread. The video was created and posted outside of school, but the reverberating effect definitely carried over into the learning environment. There were several significant lessons in this situation:
1. Bullying is never right.
2. There were bystanders who watched. What should bystanders do? How do we empower the bystanders to do the right thing?
3. Do not participate by sharing the video. Report the video to an responsible adult (which is what one bystander student did do)
This situation frustrated me in many ways, but the most significant one was when the video creator basically said they were just doing what they see adults doing every day online. It took a lot of discussion and reflection for the video creator to see why the video was bullying and not something funny. It strongly reinforces that adults need to be better examples (kids are paying attention to everything) and that we need to start having these etiquette and cyber bullying lessons at a young age.