Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

Shaelynn Farnsworth
There are countless examples I could share with educators and students of Inappropriate Use of Digital Media. Two that come to mind immediately is when I had a former college friend berating people on Facebook because of their religious beliefs. Not only that, but then she continued with articles from "The Onion" which she cited as truth. It is unfortunate that she felt that Facebook was a public place to air her grievances, but on top of that, she used a satirical source to back up her claims. These two things made her look foolish and like a bully. She clearly had no sense of Digital Citizenship. The second example was in the classroom. My students were participating in a twitter chat with students from other schools when one of my students was targeted and harassed by a student from a different school. This outraged her classmates but did bring a just in time lesson on how to deal with others online who are rude, inappropriate, or harassing you.
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Re: Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

Scot Surprenant
The social media posting of your personal soap box is an abuse of digital citizenship.  It has become more evident in today's world with politics and peoples' feelings about it.  It is one thing to be able to have a conversation, another to get after someone about their beliefs.