Share a time when you or someone you know was the recipient of an inappropriate use of digital media or when you might have used digital media in an inappropriate manner. How did this make you or others feel? What might have been done differently?
Last year a group of my 5th grade girls were using digital media very inappropriately. Two of them were together and posted a video talking about their friends. They were saying unkind things and then shared this with those girls and other girls online. I can't remember what they were on, I want to say snapchat, but I think it was some other platform. Needless to say, the girls were upset and there were high emotions on both sides. Students need to know what is okay and what is not of social media of any sort.
I had a hard time knowing what to do in this situation. It happened outside of school and the parents were involved. I let them handle it. However, it made me realize I need a better understanding of their rights and when and if a school should get involved in matters such as these. I am hoping these girls will have learned their lesson and will know what to do next time.