Inappropriate Use of digital media

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Inappropriate Use of digital media

Dominic Giegerich
It's probably going on quite a bit in the "Snapchat" world of the high schooler.  I'm a HS Principal and  this past year a twitter account dedicated to anonymous postings  of Snapchat pictures was discovered and a surprising number of students from our district contributed.  The pictures ranged from acceptable, distasteful to quite inappropriate.  A collective movement by administrators to threaten the digital freedoms of the students in their schools effectively shut the site down, but it shows the careless distribution of inappropriate media among that age group.  

Twitter, while mainstream and easy to access, students seem to post more things there of questionable nature than Facebook as adults have gotten more comfortable with that later.  While Snapchat is relatively safer for students to post inappropriate things, screen shoting the video or picture can make things more permanent.

It's why we all need to have a role in teaching digital citizenship.