Inappropriate Use

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Inappropriate Use

Laurel Newell
I am on a library board and an example I can think of is when a fellow board member was sent inappropriate messages through facebook about how the board was handling an issue.  He was not extremely hurt by this because he knew the library was on the right side of the issue BUT he felt he had to post about disagreements and appropriate behavior to the larger facebook group to get his point across that it's not okay to bash someone personally simply because you have a disagreement.  I purposely did not make a public comment on this post so as not to "stir the pot" further and cause unnecessary drama.  But he was making this statement to ADULTS so it is evident that even adults need reminding about acting appropriately online.  I think this person handled the situation well.  He did not call out anyone by name publicly and kept the situation as professional as he could.  His post was met with mostly positive support so I think he couldn't have handled it any better or differently.