I did this very recently...and I can't believe I did it! I know better...I was on my phone...waiting for a friend in a restaurant...replying to an email from Friend A....about something Friend A and I had both been asking Friend B to do!
I was frustrated...I used all caps...and I hit send. Immediately I saw that the message had gone to Friend A...but also to Friend B. Friend B was part of the original email conversation and had gotten included again...even though I thought I had eliminated her from my reply to Friend A.
I immediately wrote an apology to Friend B. Asked her to call me the next morning. She did...she was hurt. I apologized again, it seems the damage has been repaired, but she was a lot more forgiving than I fear I might have been.
And how many times do I tell the adults with whom I work NOT to reply to a listserv if the reply is meant for just one person!!