Inappropriate us of Digital Media

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Inappropriate us of Digital Media

Aaron Hamann
This was a recent event involving text messages. As a coach at a small school, I use text messages for updates on practice times/cancellations/etc but I do not go through a service such as Remind, I just send things direct. I had a new member of my team in my contact list and sent out a reminder about a bus time, and quickly got a response from someone that included a picture. Turns out I had the wrong number for one of my players, but the person on the other end continued sending pictures and making inappropriate comments. I politely apologized for getting the wrong number, but they continued sending inappropriate pictures and comments until I finally blocked the number to end the situation. The situation had escalated quickly, and it is easy to see how a young, impressionable adolescent could have been quickly led down an inappropriate path that would be hard to explain.