Inappropriate use Digital Media

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Inappropriate use Digital Media

Shannon D. Bean
I know of an incident that happened at our local high school involving two boys who got into some mild mischief.  They apologized to the pertinent parties and made reparations, however, adults on the booster club of that organization went onto a social media site and bashed both boys by name, chastising them publicly.  The mother of one of the boys went onto the site and kindly asked for the bullying to cease.  She also explained that the parties involved had come to an arrangement and all was forgiven.  The posts continued, even after the mother went to the head of the organization and posted a kind online perspective that it was adult women persecuting 14-year old youth.  It ended with the boys and their parents deleting their accounts to that social media forum.

The only thing I can see that could have changed the outcome is if a face-to-face meeting with all involved (especially the social media bullies) was held to address the issues.  Another suggestion would be to invite local law enforcement in charge of cyber bullying to attend that meeting and speak to the group beforehand.