Inappropriate use digital media

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Inappropriate use digital media

Meg Wheeler
Unlike many of the other messages I have reviewed pertaining to inappropriate use of digital media, I feel that my personal experiences are not as grave.  I'm a little old fashioned in a way that I still like to use my land line phone to "visit" with others.  I did, however, have a particular incident where I was involved in a group text message between many of my close relatives to plan a family gathering. One of the people within the group text was becoming very annoying (to say the least)  I was very frustrated with her, and some of the comments she was making, as well as how difficult she was during these group texts.  I had been making some side comments to another individual during this whole process, and so on one of my "intended" texts to one person, I accidentally sent it with the group text.  You can never undo what has been done, and/or cannot apologize enough to remedy the situation.  I guess the only bright spot on this particular situation was that we were all family.  What I learned from this was to simply not put myself in that situation again, or at least always double check the head contact to make sure you know where your text is going.  
I also had a rather embarrassing situation happen while scrolling through facebook one night.  Without realizing it, I had "shared" some random photo/post from who knows, but was then accidentally shared to my friends.  It was somewhat raunchy, and very unlike me.  I first heard I did this from my daughter who was so morbidly embarrassed, and then more of my friends started commenting with amazement and humor about the whole thing.  I had no idea that I had shared this, but I guess scrolling on the right side of the screen could very easily cause this to happen.  I learned to how quickly anything can go viral in a single "click" This incident only embarrassed myself, and gave many of my friends a good laugh, but I can see how much more serious this could have been.  It could have had greater consequences and /or devastation.
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Re: Inappropriate use digital media

Kim Kazmierczak
I love the think before you post mantra.
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Re: Inappropriate use digital media

Sue Daker
I've had a similar thing happen with family members and group texts as well. Your experience mirror many that I've had over the years; not only with the group text but social media posts, comments, etc. I have found that I get into more trouble when I try to respond to things using my phone vs using a table or computer. There is always something to learn!