Inappropriate use of Digital Media - Tara Gonzalez Hernandez

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Inappropriate use of Digital Media - Tara Gonzalez Hernandez

Tara Gonzalez Hernandez
I frequently see inappropriate use of digital media on social media. Sometimes I even see it from professionals I work with which tends to rub me the wrong way. I once had a coworker on my team who posts students faces on Snapchat. I believe it was very inappropriate. Sometimes it was them outside or sometimes it was them throwing a trauma in their room. I know if I was this student's parent, I would be very upset to know my child's teacher is posting my child on their Snapchat without my permission. I finally ended up saying something to this teacher and we had a great conversation of why it may not be ok to do so and how you could share the good things in a different platform such as a classroom website instead of to your personal friends.