Inappropriate use of Digital Media

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Inappropriate use of Digital Media

Leah Koebke
The first year I taught in a particular district I remember listening to a start of year speech about the privilege of getting to teach in that district and work with such a diverse group of students.  The administrator welcoming new teachers and welcoming back returning teachers felt the need to actually say that they hoped they wouldn't see any posts on the internet about how teachers were "in the trenches" and other metaphors indicating that teaching these students was similar to doing battle.  It was surprising that teachers would need this reminder to respect their job and the students around them.  It's a good lesson about always being critical of what we say online and how we say it.
I think that the teachers that were making derogatory comments about the district should have done a better job of voicing any frustrations or concerns in a more respectful and constructive manner and should have been aware of their audience on any social media platform.  All comments made online should be comments you are comfortable making in person.