Inappropriate use of digital media

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Inappropriate use of digital media

Dale Tokheim
Unfortunately there are so many things to choose from.  I know of couple of boys who were sent a nude picture on snap chat from a girl and the boy took a screen shot of it.  In one case it was forwarded and that led to charges being filed.  In the other situation it was deleted shortly afterwards but was still seen in 'IPICS' or in the trash of the ipod by other kids.  The pic was not forwarded but was talked about and led to some panicked parent and embarrassed kids.  Students just need to know what the laws are and that you can't control what happens with information, words and pics once they are sent.  Plus, there are ramifications for the choices we make and sometimes they are legal punishments for a crime. I agree with a lot of the comments others have made, if you aren't going to do something in person than you shouldn't do it over digital media.