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Inappropriate use of media

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Inappropriate use of media

Renee Saylor
Because social media lends itself to a physical separation, it create a false sense of security, appropriateness, and meaning. The obvious example is that editing one's own thoughts and actions prior to posting to a public audience is lacking. A personal account of inappropriate use of media was concerning my divorce. While I was rather private about the matter and focused my sharing on my children or took time away from social networking, others thought it was appropriate to share too much about me by posting comments or links to my timeline. While these things were done with a caring attitude, it invaded my privacy. There are other ways to communicate with someone. Picking up the phone and sending a kind word by voice is much more appreciated. Simple acts like this, and wishing someone a happy birthday, are becoming more and more at a disconnect. Ironic, that social networking is designed to connect, but when it replaces the connection with a blip on a screen, we have lost the point.