5 posts
I think a time that digital media was used inappropriately for me is snapchat with children. Every single year there is a bullying issue on snapchat. They get in a group snap message and people will take a picture of a kid and then say something mean about that person. Then the whole group starts talking rudely about them. Sometimes it is even worse with inappropriate pictures being sent. Students think that because snapchats go away, that no one will ever know what they did. Screenshots make this not true. A way that this could be handled better is for the school to be proactive in this. I think a lot of parents are unaware of how harmful this app is to a lot of students. I think the school should send out a parent letter about the inappropriate uses that happen on the app to make then aware. I think schools should also do a minilesson on proper snapchat use, what to do if someone is bullying on there, and how to stand up for someone as well. I think all of these proactive strategies could improve the situation so we are not being reactive instead.