Inappropriate use

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Inappropriate use

susan lau
Once, my daug hter was experiencing with some web sites which were recommended to her by her older friend who was a friend of our family.  I don't think my daughter knew what she was getting her self into but she found herself on a site showing women's breasts. She was mortified when her day stumbled onto the pictures and questioned her. She started to cry and explained she really didn't know what she was looking for but once on the site, she was unable to close it down.  We turned this experience into a teachable moment, one I'm sure my daughter has never forgetten. I think this is a typical example of an older child showing a younger child sites that spark their curiosty. They are unaware of how they can become trapped on a site that could be harmful to them. And we the parents, did not do proper parenting  with regards to our computer rules. Situations present themselves rather quickly regardless of intention on the internet and other digital devices. Parents must be vigilant with usage expectations and kids need to know the difference between right and wrong usage of this digital world.