Innapropriate use of digital media

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Innapropriate use of digital media

Laura Klaes
So as I am trying to recall a time in which I may have use digital media inappropriate, one time comes to my head and that is when Facebook just started and I had posted something about the stress of college and roommates. Well regardless to say my roommates took it to heart and thought I was talking about them, typical right, when in reality I was talking about a friends roommate who decided to eat all of the groceries she had just bought and then proceeded to tell her that was just part of the deal. I felt bad so I posted what I thought to be a nice post about roommate troubles and how lucky I was to have a roommate who was so willing to help. Leave everything up for interpretation right, someone took it the wrong way. I think next time if I ever post anything again I will just refrain from not or turn it into a positive. It is amazing how one little sentence put of Facebook can turn the world upside down.