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Justin Villont
Instagram is an interesting place where people can go and see images and listen to stories of their friends and family.  Recently a lot of businesses and companies have set up accounts in order to advertise to their target audience.  It is easy for one buisness to follow another, and thus be better enabled to see who their follows are based off the "suggested" people to follow.  It is then easy for a buisness to go in, comment on a post you posted, thus notifying you, and drawing your attention.  "click-bait" is a good word for it.

In the privacy settings in instagram you may choose who may share your posts.  Normally this is turned on so that anyone who follows you may share what you post.  You may also vet your messages by adding in key words or phrases you want left out of your comments.  Instagram has gone a long ways for security, while still enabling a resemblance of freedom.