1 post
I have taught in the SW Iowa-Eastern Nebraska area for 27 years, usually working with BD students. I have accessed the PD online for the yearly renewal of required classes, but never for renewal of my license. This was shown to me as an option. I have taken this class as a way of understanding more about the social media that my students are so interested in, and wow! Know I know why they spend so much time with their phones. How addicting! (Although, watching videos of my Niece's French Bulldog are never boring, and I finally get to see what my sister is doing with with her millenary skills #hattiehats)
As with everything, there is potential for good (Bell work can be tweeted) and not so good (SO much easier than passing notes!) Now that the cloud exists, everything can be stored forever, however knowing history, I am concerned that we will loose the best of it. (Can anyone remember 8 track tapes?)