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Instagram can be shared with Facebook, Twitter and Tumbir.  It is an online photo sharing network.  You can edit, crop, and add text.  Snapchat is another part of Instagram, that is used mostly by 13 to 34 years olds.
Snapchat is a site that you can post Photos or Videos that usually only last for 10 seconds.
Students love to share photos with others on Instagram and Shapchat to communicate with others.  It gives them immediate feedback.  Instructors need to monitor what photos are being used in Snapchat, to ensure that they are appropriate.
I follow instagram:
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Re: Instagram

Hi! I just need to share this with other students. Recently I ordered an essay from unemployedprofessors reddit. It was one of the biggest mistakes in my life. Guys, I wish I read John’s review on Reddit earlier. He wrote the truth. Just be advised, people.