Integrating VTS

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Integrating VTS

Paul Southwell
Referring back to the videos, articles, etc. that you read/watched about VTS, discuss the implications and use in your classroom of implementing and using VTS. Add at least one website link, with a brief description about it, that demonstrates a way to use VTS in a classroom. Respond to 2 other participants.

My Response:
VTS is a low-barrier entry point for students to interact both with art and content in a non-threatening environment.  Especially in today's culture of high-stakes testing and a relentless focus on specific skill performance, such as the focus on fluency in reading in the elementary world in Iowa, VTS gives a way for students who traditionally have been discouraged from participating or have come to define themselves as non-learners to participate again and begin to feel competent and knowledgeable.

I would encourage my staff to read the lesson plans and articles found on this website as a brief introduction to ways to begin to incorporate VTS in their classrooms:

And then would guide them to read the research behind VTS found here:
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Re: Integrating VTS

Lisa Anderson
Hi Paul, I enjoyed looking at the link of lesson plans for VTS.  I use Pinterest quit a bit but have not used Flickr.  It looks interesting to me and I do enjoy adding some sort of technology component to my lessons as well.
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Re: Integrating VTS

Lisa Anderson
In reply to this post by Paul Southwell
Hi Paul, I enjoyed looking at the link of lesson plans for VTS.  I use Pinterest quit a bit but have not used Flickr.  It looks interesting to me and I do enjoy adding some sort of technology component to my lessons as well.