Internet Safety

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Internet Safety

Heather Mauer
I explored Facebook. I have adult children now...and I spent many year monitoring their friend list...making sure their accounts were private and helping them understand how to post appropriately. Now that they are much older...they have a vast knowledge of how things can go terribly wrong in social media. They have learned from their own mistakes as well as their friend's mistakes. It is a tough age to grow up in for certain.
For my own personal safety and peace of mind...I have my Facebook account set as privately as possible. I pretty much only post family pics and recipes. Many of my posts are locked for my viewing I don't drive people nuts with 1000's of recipes and craft ideas. I have my account set to review anything that could be put on my timeline. Some of this is for vanity purposes...I don't like unflattering pictures of myself posted by my friends or family. Other reasons for this privacy setting choice is to avoid any awkward comments that can be misinterpreted. I try my best to be a responsible digital citizen.
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Re: Internet Safety

Aaron Hamann
Being a teacher, and seeing the horrific ways Facebook has publicly ruined the lives of many teachers in the media, I have avoided being a member of the Facebook community. After listening to the news story, the suggestion to have a social media account, even if you don't actively use it, is a way to protect your identity from others. I am happy to hear in your post that there is a way to keep Facebook relatively personal and private from others if I choose to create a shell account that is not used by me on a regular basis. Thanks for the great information.