Internet Safety

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Internet Safety

Kevin Richardson
I had created a facebook page many years ago not in order to use but because at the time at school we were trying to see if we could access some student pages that had inappropriate material on them (this was when facebook had just come out).  I haven't been back to the page until now.  There is much I am learning about how it really works, but from the little bit of information I put in years ago, there are pages and pages of people it says I should know - which some I do, pages and pages of friend requests, postings from others and so on.  It amazes me how I can have all this in there from just 6-10 pieces of information in my profile.  I don't use this facebook page, but I did go in to find the setting were allowing everyone to see what I did have in there (which wasn't much).  I changed those to restrict it to just friends (which I don't have any on there so that should let no one see it).