Internet Safety

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Internet Safety

Rhonda Lee
Our Tech coordinator at school is very proactive when comes to issues of social networking sites.  She makes us all aware of what is going on with the sites and what we need to do in order for our use of the sites to be safe that it can be.  The only social networking site that I do not use if Diigo-we have discussed this site in our tech meetings and in the past at our teacher/librarian workshops.  My facebook settings for the past few years has been set to all the privacy that I can have.  I only friend people that I know or have some connection to.  My twitter account is somewhat different-in the past I had a Tweet Deck, with categories of Education, Gifted Ed, Cooking, friends.  I only check it once in awhile and only follow people a few people.  It is so important to be careful of what is posted.