Internet Safety

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Internet Safety

Sue Kientz
I have accounts in Facebook, Twitter, Diigo and Google+ along with a lot of other things also.  I thought I had an Instragram account but it won't let me log in so I guess I downloaded that one and never made an account.  In my job, I make a lot of accounts to try out things.  I really try to only give the required information when I create an account.  Something I should be more careful about is deleting accounts that I don't use.  I'm not very good at this one.  I did review my account settings and was happy to see that most of them were fine.  Facebook on the other hand, keeps adding things.  I don't remember to go in and check the settings very often.  This lesson was a great reminder about trying to remember to do this monthly.  Google+ is interesting to try and deal with.  I use Google all of the time.  In fact, I an doing this lesson on a Chromebook right now.  I am still trying to figure out if there is a way to get out of Google+ once you have signed into it.  I don't want to leave Google+, I use it professionally all of the time and love it.  But when I teach classes about Google, I have students who click into it and want out -- I don't think you can get out once you have joined.