Internet Safety

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Internet Safety

Jim Roberts
When using my personal Facebook account, I am pretty guarded in what information I post and the friends that I have.  I limit my posts to my friends the vast majority of the time.  Also, I have my settings set to only friends of friends who can contact me and not open to everyone.  I don't let everyone see the phone number I have provided and have it set to only be visible for my friends (I use my work number since most of my personal account revolves around education, anyway, and sometimes my friends need to call me).

One feature in the privacy settings that seems to get overlooked is the "Do you want search engines outside of Facebook to link to your profile?"  It is so easy to not allow this search but I don't think many people are aware that they can disable this setting. If you don't want to be searched for on search engines, this should definitely be disabled.

The "Blocking" setting is really good. You can fine tune how your account is set-up.  I, also, like the "Public Posts" setting because it helps restrict comments, comment ranking, and notifications. Being a public employee, I'm always aware of the content in my Facebook account and I want to be guarded in comments.

For all educators and students, I recommend investigating the Privacy, Blocking, and Public Posts settings right away when creating a Facebook account or simply reviewing your account settings. Being aware of and taking precautions with the content and comments within your account can save you from a ton of future problems.