Internet Safety

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Internet Safety

Katherine Ernst
Facebook: I do think they have made it easier to manage privacy. I think I have mine pretty locked down.
Pintrest:  I never gave settings a thought on pintrest! I just went in and set some security settings. Yikes! I don't do a lot with Pintrest,  but it is important to know how it works since I have an account.
Twitter: I have an account to follow mostly professionals, but I don't use it very often.
Snap Chat:  I use SnapChat with family. I don't fully know how to use it, so I am pretty careful on what I use it for and who I send Snaps to.

As a teacher, I listen to what the kids talk about at school and then explore some of the things. This is how I learned about Snap Chat. I think it is important to talk to kids about how they use social media, the benefits, and the pitfalls.