Internet and Social Media Safety - Evelyn Marolf

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Internet and Social Media Safety - Evelyn Marolf

Evelyn Marolf
I have the following social media accounts: Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat

Some of the privacy settings I was aware of, however, there have been so many more put into place. On Snapchat one feature is “Ghost Mode” where you can hide your location. This is helpful to have turning on because otherwise anyone who has access to your account can see your exact location on a map. On all three of the platform’s users can also set their account to private or public which changes it’s searchability.  One of the Instagram features that is really helpful for students in Instagram is that users can actually change the settings on comments that you receive on posts to either limit them or hide individual posts if they are mean. There is also a “supervision” feature for parents to have access to their child’s account. Facebook also has similar features where you can monitor who can find your account and how others can interact with your page.
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Re: Internet and Social Media Safety - Evelyn Marolf

At the beginning of the Hole IO , focus on areas with plenty of small objects to help you grow quickly. Avoid crowded parts of the map where other players might target you early on.